Our vision is for a dynamic, naturally diverse coastal environment that is restored, sustained and enjoyed for generations to come through the active involvement of community members who embrace learning about, and caring for, the land.
To fully realize this vision we seek to:
Expand our Bay to Dunes education program as part of every third grader's experience.
Steward the newly-conserved Samoa Dunes and Wetlands Conservation Area and the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center property, and work to connect protected habitats in Humboldt Bay on a landscape scale.
Continue to develop the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center as a regional visitor center, highlighting the unique ecology and natural history of the dunes.
Continue to grow the Dunes Ecosystem Restoration Team, becoming a leader in coastal restoration projects in the area.
With all this growth on the horizon, the Friends of the Dunes Board of Directors recognizes the need to support a strong staff that can help secure funding needed for our programs. This is why we have developed the Business Partners in Coastal Conservation Program. By becoming a partner in our program, you will help support Friends of the Dunes and let community members know that you support local, grassroots efforts that involve the public in conserving coastal environments in Humboldt County.
Please contact us for more information and to become a Business Partner.


